Sunday, February 26, 2012

Does anyone Ever Get QOD

Question of the day emailed to them I get those emailed to me everyday they on SQL server 70-228 cerfitication test. My answer was C but alot of other people answered C also..and disputing QOD saying they are now i am asking the GURUS what do you think?

You have an SQL server that contains a database named Felons. You have been assigned the task of changing the way felon IDs appear in the Felons table. The FelonID column in the Felon table relationally links to several other tables with foreign key constraints in place. You need to automate the process of updating the primary key tools. You also want to minimize record locks and administration within the database during the update process so that you don't slow things down. What should you do?

A) Create a duplicate record that has a new FelonID value. Update the foreign key fields in the other tables.
B) Disable the FOREIGN KEY constraints. Within a transaction, modify the values in the FelonID field in the other tables. Re-enable the FOREIGN KEY constraints after the keys are changed.
C) Add an ON UPDATE CASCADE constraint to the FelonID field in the Customers table. Modify the values in the FelonID field in the Felons table.
D) Create a data transformation services package. Use the package to transform the FelonID value and the values of the related foreign keys on the other tables.

Your answer is: C
Correct answer is: A

Explanation: Cascading referential integrity constraints allow you make SQL server automatically update the keys across all the tables. The other actions would either be too tedious or slow things down, or not work right at all. You could end up with duplicate records with the old and new keys in the related tables and violate your key constraints.

Now heres all the Responses


from: United States
on: 2003-03-20 07:04:49 I'm not familiar with cascading referntial integrity constraints, so this question was confusing.
Ludynilla Lanez
from: Philippines
on: 2003-03-20 14:38:43 No comment

from: Sweden
on: 2003-03-21 06:27:33 Have just started with SQL......

from: United States
on: 2003-09-03 07:12:50 Learn something new everyday

from: United States
on: 2003-09-03 08:29:08 that was a hard one for me
from: United States
on: 2003-09-03 10:39:16 They DID it again. Explanation says:
"Cascading referential integrity constraints allow you make SQL server automatically update the keys across all the tables. The other actions would either be too tedious or slow things down, or not work right at all..." which is answer C. I was right but since I did not answer A, QoD evaluated my answer C as incorrect answer.

Question is really GOOD and explanation is OK but answer A su**s.

Jim Tanner
from: United States
on: 2003-09-03 12:14:55 I have to agree with Sar123. The explanation tell why C is correct, my answer, but they say the correct answer is A.??

Jim Tanner
from: United States
on: 2003-09-03 12:14:56 I have to agree with Sar123. The explanation tell why C is correct, my answer, but they say the correct answer is A.??

Ricardo Ravazzolo
from: Brazil
on: 2003-09-03 13:07:41 The answer is always A, even if incorrect?
from: Dominican Republic
on: 2003-09-03 13:52:37 Yeah, they made a mistake. Since the correct answer is C there are no comments to make.I get most of my Questions of the Day from DBForums ;-)|||That has to be a typo. I would agree with C, and the explanation seems to support it.|||Woohoooo ...that Settles It C Is The Correct Thats One Guru Down That Agrees...happy Dance!!!!!!!!!!!!!|||First, modesty prevents me from affirming that my concurence validates your answer.

Second, you are getting way too excited about this. Do you have any hobbies? Perhaps some charitable work...|||So what are you trying to say Blindman that I'm a boring Geek..who gets too excited about SQL Questions, SQL Knowledge...SQL Databases...etc..edt?...Dont forget that compliment I threw your way calling you a GURU, and yes I do have a hobby|||when the question is "You have been assigned the task of changing the way felon IDs appear in the Felons table" then the answer could be something else

ON UPDATE CASCADE keeps primary/foreign key values in sync, but does nothing about changing the way the primary keys appear

perhaps what the question intended was that you are asked to change the primary key from, say, integer to, say, GUID

ON UPDATE CASCADE wouldn't cover that type of change|||Ok thank you I appreciate your answer. Ok shoot I was wrong anyways Oh well learn something new every day. So A would be the correct answer well darn back to the books. Thanks R937|||I'd go for A. But that's just because I thought the other ones looked to complex for the issue.|||"So what are you trying to say Blindman that I'm a boring Geek..who gets too excited about SQL Questions, SQL Knowledge...SQL Databases...etc..edt?..."


Welcome to the club. Your membership card is in the mail and should arrive in a few days.

B. Lindman
Assistant Secretary to the Associate Director of Membership Processing, International Disassociation of Database Administrators|||Assistant Secretary to the Associate Director of Membership Processing, International Disassociation of Database AdministratorsDon't worry, the revised update to the altered changes to the specifications will be arriving shortly (in the next 2-6 months).

-PatP|||I forgot my secret handshake. Can you e-mail it to me?|||thanks for the birthday greetings guys..I got a birthday greeting by email from dbforums|||Thanks Blindman and Pat I'm really feeling love. And I'll be looking forward to my memebership is there a Fee?|||Thanks Blindman and Pat I'm really feeling love. And I'll be looking forward to my memebership is there a Fee?
That would be in the 'Feelon' table which is of course accessed by 'FeelonID'
;)|||Thanks Blindman and Pat I'm really feeling love. And I'll be looking forward to my memebership is there a Fee?

You have to buy the Margaritas at our next meeting. We'll let you know...|||Ok so dont call'll call me??..LOL...Your people with talk to my people?|||I got this question right

This question is provided by:

In the above question, how would you go about setting up processor usage by SQL server?

A) Run the extended stored procedure xp_confprocusage followed by the numbered processors you want SQL server to only use.
B) Go to the Services manager to the advanced properties tab and select the processors you want SQL server to use.
C) Configure usage in the Multiprocessor Control panel in NT server administrative services.
D) Configure the SQL server processor usage in the SQL server properties control panel under the processor tab in the processor controls section.

Your answer is: D
Correct answer is: D
Explanation: That's the only location where this setup can take place. The other solutions do not have the appropriate tabs and functions to set this up.|||Well...again...another question you should never have to answer...

Don't forget the Cointreau|||OMFG brett

i am *so* not a dba

:( :( :(|||Oh good grief thats it no more question of the day for me...THAT'S THE END OF QOD. I just want to pass my 70-228 cert

I'm gonna go bury my head in the sand and cry now..if you'll excuse me for a second please

*sniff*|||Big part of the problem with the certs, is they ask you questions, that not only will probably not encountered...they're probably a path that you should NEVER be thinking about anyway...

How you architect a solution should align itself that makes the most out of what you have.

SWL Server does a very good job at handling the threads|||Oh good grief thats it no more question of the day for me...THAT'S THE END OF QOD. I just want to pass my 70-228 cert

I'm gonna go bury my head in the sand and cry now..if you'll excuse me for a second please

*sniff*The problem with qod, and things like that is that they are trying to get you to give the wrong answer. Getting you to give the wrong answer is their goal.

You need to handle the questions they give like you might handle fulminate of mercury... Very carefully, with great respect, and only under duress. The whole point of that kind of question is to make (or demonstrate that) you think analytically and critically, and don't blindly take the "easy" answer.


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